
The AGES National Training Program in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy Facilitates Endoscopic Training in Australia and New Zealand

Overview of the AATP

Overview of the AATP

AGES has introduced a two year national training program in advanced gynaecological endoscopy to facilitate endoscopic training in Australia and New Zealand.

Click here to view more information.

Unit Information

Current Unit Details

The current AGES National Training Units for the Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy Facilitates Endoscopic Training in Australia and New Zealand.

Click here to view more information.

Guidelines for AGES Accredited Units

This page outlines the timelines for key milestones for Accredited Units in the AGES training program in advanced endoscopic surgery.

Click here to view more information.

Application for AGES Accreditation

AGES is proud to be at the forefront of training in advanced endoscopic training on a global perspective. Join the program today by becoming an AGES Accredited Training Site, any unit may apply.

Click here to view more information.

Re-accreditation of Training Unit

AGES encourages all units to continue as an AGES Accredited Training Site.

Click here to view more information

Trainee Information

Becoming an AGES Trainee

Information for those considering applying for an AGES Trainee position.

Click here to view more information.

Trainee Documentation

Documentation and links to interactive online forms required by AGES Trainees. The Trainee Guidelines and terms and conditions are also available here.

Click here to view more information.

Past Graduates

AGES is honoured to share with you the names of those who have graduated the AGES Training Program.

Click here to view more information.

Current Trainees

Click here to see who is currently training in an AGES Accredited Training Program.

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 updates

Please check the AGES COVID-19 Bulletin Board for further updates from AGES.