AGES Society
The Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery (AGES) Society has built on its vision to promote the safest and highest standards of clinical and minimally invasive surgical care for women through its three tenants of education, surgical training and clinical research.
Premier Surgical Association
Representing the majority of practising gynaecologists in Australia & New Zealand for over 30 years
850+ Active Members
Including gynaecologists, fellows and registrars
One of the largest & most active
of all surgical bodies in the Southern Hemisphere
Our Vision
A leading international society focused on improving gynaecological health through education and training, surgery, research and advocacy.
Our Purpose
AGES is a diverse, inclusive society of Gynaecologists, providing education and professional engagement opportunities for our members. We aspire to operate in an innovative, patient-centered, socially responsible and sustainable manner.
We do this by:
- Championing and advancing excellence in surgical gynaecological practice
- Providing scientific and clinical forums on all aspects of patient-centered gynaecology
- Providing scientific meetings, education, workshops and courses in gynaecological care globally
- Delivering the two-year AATP focussed on minimally invasive gynaecological care
- Fostering and supporting gynaecological scientific research
- Advocating with patients, doctors and society to promote gynaecological health

Our Values
LEADERSHIP - looking to the future, investing strategically in education & training, surgery, and research to build professional skills & improve gynaecological health
EXCELLENCE - striving to be the best that we can be in all we do
INNOVATION - encouraging the pursuit of better ways of working
INCLUSION – advocating, respecting, valuing & including all regardless of gender, age or race
INTEGRITY - acting with integrity, being honest, honorable & fair in all we do

Strategic Planning
The AGES Board of 2023 - 2025 have created a strategic plan that has a vision, purpose and values that coincide with goals, objectives and actions. AGES’ purpose is to improve women’s health and the AGES Board are dedicated to becoming a leading international organisation focused on improving women’s health through education, training, research and advocacy.
Research Grants
The AGES Society Research Fund has been the principal provider of surgical research in Australasia for the last 20 years. During this time, more than $1,400,000 has been granted to over 117 research projects and there is an ongoing commitment to continue the research program into gynaecological surgery and its impact on improvements in women’s health.

Awards, Fellowships, & Scholarships
With a strong focus on continued education, AGES proudly supports a variety of awards, grants, scholarships to not just our members but also the broader international audience. Over $23,000 AUD is awarded annually.
AGES believes that most gynaecological problems can be safely managed by minimally invasive surgery using laparoscopic, hysteroscopic or vaginal approaches.
AGES strives to help its members:
- Achieve the appropriate training
- Evaluate the latest evidence
- Deliver the benefits to their patients
AGES has supported the RANZCOG in the development of guidelines for performing advanced operative laparoscopy and endoscopic surgery, and in continuing professional development (CPD) through many of its innovative practice review and clinical risk management (PR and CRM) programs.
Annual Scientific Meetings
Scientific meetings have long been the foundation of the AGES society success. Our annual scientific meetings showcase international experts and are a forum for excellence and exchange of ideas. The national faculty represents all areas of surgical care in our profession and frequently invites colleagues from associated specialty areas to present, engage and educate the membership.
Special Annual Focus Meeting
Responding to an unmet need for education in a variety of fields that often fall outside the realms of science and evidence, the annual focus meeting hones in on a specific area in our speciality. These have included office gynaecology, surgical complications, practice and risk management as well as many other scientific fields.
Annual Pelvic Floor Symposium
With the introduction of the pelvic floor meetings in 2000, the AGES society entered a new era of surgical education with the inclusion of both subspecialists and generalists alike in this important and ever-changing field of surgical care. Their popularity has endured and they remain an important method of disseminating the very latest innovations, techniques and information.
Research Grants and Awards
The Society recognises the imperative to practice and promotes evidence-based surgery and in keeping with this mantra, the AGES Society clinical research grants program was established in 2003 with our industry partners. Since that time, more than 65 separate studies have been funded or partially funded with close to $1,000,000 granted to AGES members.
AGES Accredited Training Program
AGES has introduced a two year national training program in advanced gynaecological endoscopy to facilitate endoscopic training in Australia and New Zealand to provide gynaecological surgeons with the skills necessary for minimally invasive surgery.