AGES Focus Meeting 2018

AGES Focus Meeting

Sex, Drugs & Politics

QT, Canberra

2nd - 3rd Noember 2018

Photo Gallery

Images from AGES FM 2018

AGES FM 2018

The AGES Focus Meeting held in association with NASOG was a great success, diving into the politics that surround our profession in a two day program.

All the subjects were of considerable interest, and are often met with concern and sometimes outrage, and were all up for discussion at this meeting, as they were all of relevance to not only the Australian population, but also of particular relevance to our profession.

We must thank our vast faculty who travelled from all over Australia to join us to look at topics such as gender equality, drugs, politics in practice management, sex, and the future, and to our panel of speakers who were up to discuss ‘Sex drugs & politics – achieving common goals’.

A final thank you to our Organising Committee , our sponsors, and of course the delegates who made the trip to to Australia’s capital city to discuss some of the most important controversial topics out there!

AGES FM 2018

This meeting was a RANZCOG Approved O&G Meeting. Eligible Fellows of this college can claim 12.5 points for full attendance.

If the meeting is used for critical reflection and practice improvement, PR&CRM Points can be claimed by submitting a reflection worksheet to RANZCOG. Visit the RANZCOG Website for forms.

All attendance certificates have been emailed. To download another copy, simply log-in to your ‘Currinda’ profile.