AGES/WES Focus Meeting

The Limits and Limitations of Surgery and Endometriosis

Grand Hyatt, Melbourne

2nd & 3rd of August 2019

Photo Gallery

Images from AGES/WES FM 2019


It was not the first time that AGES and WES collaborated, together we delivered another extremely successful Conference.  This meeting we had a strong clinical focus around surgery and examine the risks and opportunities for endometriosis surgeons and clinicians in our region.

We had an exceptional international faculty including Horace Roman from France, Sun-Wei Guo from China and Moamar Al-Jefout from Dubai, as well as highly regarded Australasian surgeons and scientists.

Another exceptional event.

CPD Points

This meeting was a RANZCOG Approved O&G Meeting. Eligible Fellows of this college can claim 12.5 points for full attendance.

If the meeting is used for critical reflection and practice improvement, PR&CRM Points can be claimed by submitting a reflection worksheet to RANZCOG. Visit the RANZCOG Website for forms.

All attendance certificates will be emailed. To download another copy, simply log-in to your ‘Currinda’ profile.

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