AGES Webinar: Hysteroscopic Surgery

Presented by Dr Thierry Vancaillie

Tuesday 20 August 2024

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Webinar Information

Hysteroscopic Surgery
Tuesday 20 August 2024

Dr. Thierry Vancaillie is a gynaecologist and pain medicine specialist. He is clinical professor in Women’s Health at the university of New South Wales, as well as founder and director of the Women’s Health and Research Institute of Australia in Sydney.

Ever since his internship at the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium, Dr. Vancaillie has been interested in uterine reconstructive surgery.  He co-authored a textbook “Manual of Hysteroscopy”, published by Elsevier Science Publishers in 1990.  Dr. Vancaillie was fortunate to work with Dr. Kees Wamsteke in Haarlem, The Netherlands as well as with Dr. Jacques Hamou in Paris, France – both pioneers in diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy.