AGES Training Supervisor Agreement

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Position Requirements

Position Title
Training Supervisor of the AGES Accredited Training Position

Reports to
Training Director of the Accredited Training Position
Chair of the AGES Education Subcommittee

Primary purpose of position
To oversee all aspects of training of a trainee or group of trainees, including ensuring they are provided with the practical instruction, ongoing support and appropriate assessment to enable them to meet the professional and educational requirements specified in the AGES curricula.

Qualifications and skills
Training Supervisors must:

  • Hold a Fellowship of the RANZCOG and be accredited for advanced endoscopic procedures (AGES-RANZCOG Level 5 or 6) at the training site. (Documentation required from your training site that you are accredited for these procedures)
  • For Unit Applications received after 1 July 2018 – must be a graduate of the AGES Accredited Training Program
  • Demonstrate commitment to teaching and training
  • Demonstrate good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with trainees, other medical staff and patients
  • Contribute to the planning and delivery of an effective training program at the hospital level
  • Have completed College Training Supervisor Course once every four years

Key challenges
Maintain effective trainee supervision and support within a complex and busy workplace environment.

Provide highly professional and supportive supervision of trainees in accordance with AGES requirements for clinical experience, competence and formal assessment of performance and progress.


  1. Dedicated time: To set aside dedicated time each week to operate/teach/supervise/mentor trainees. (Note: This includes time spent giving feedback to trainees or contributing to the planning of the in-hospital educational program, not simply time spent in hands-on teaching.)
    Provide a roster of content time with trainee including operating lists and outpatients.
  2. Supervision/Support: To provide support to trainees and ensure hands-on supervision and training. This supervision must include:
    1. regular constructive formal and informal feedback through meetings with the trainee, preferably at the time of the monthly checking/signing of the Logbook (see Assessment section below);
    2. ensuring trainees are taken through each new procedure by a consultant specialist and are given adequate opportunities to practice their skills under supervision;
    3. ensuring that all clinical encounters are treated as vital training opportunities;
    4. ensuring, or making every reasonable effort to ensure, that trainees have appropriate support from ‘on call’ consultants after hours;
    5. encouraging trainees to improve their communication and decision-making skills;
    6. addressing trainee concerns about training and respecting their right to be assertive and questioning.
  3. Trainee access to educational opportunities: To ensure, or make every reasonable effort to ensure, that trainees are rostered on a regular basis so they can access key educational/training opportunities, including trainee/registrar meetings, mortality/morbidity sessions and any clinics conducted at the facility (such as fertility or menopause clinics).
  4. Signing Logbook: To review and sign each trainee’s Logbook every month to ensure the trainee is completing the required clinical procedures and to ensure that the trainee is not leaving the completion of Workplace based Validations until the end of their training period.
  5. Assessment:
    1. To either act as an Assessor of the trainee’s competence in skills listed in the In-Training Skills Log of the trainee’s Logbook, or approve an appropriate consultant.
    2. Sign off each procedure listed in the Clinical Procedures Log in the trainee’s Logbook, or approve an appropriate consultant to sign off each procedure as it is conducted.
    3. Either to act as an Assessor for the trainee completing the requisite Workplace-based Validations (WBVs) or to approve an appropriate consultant to act as an Assessor.
    4. Sign off on the Training Experience Log in the trainee’s Logbook for each area of Training Experience required.
  6. Knowledge of the curriculum, regulations and assessment
  • Clear Signature
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Training Supervisors Requirements

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Unit Director

  • Clear Signature
  • Member of AGES

  • Education & Training

  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • Name of InstitutionState/CountryYears 
  • Name of InstitutionState/CountryYears 
  • Name of InstitutionState/CountryYears 
    Post FRANZCOG laparoscopic experience
  • ie. 2018/2019
  • OR

  • MeetingDate 
  • OR

  • Title of PresentationMeeting 
  • Research

  • OR

  • Title of presentation(s)MeetingRoles 
  • OR

  • OR

  • OR

  • Title of projectSource of grant 
  • Governance

  • AND

  • Meeting Attendance

  • AND

  • For Unit Directors - Leadership

  • OR

  • OR

  • DepartmentField 
  • AND

  • You will receive an automated confirmation email once this form has been submitted.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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