AGES Accredited Training Program (AATP)

AGES is proud to be at the forefront of training in advanced endoscopic training on a global perspective.

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The AATP is the result of a decade of collaboration between AGES, RANZCOG, leading clinicians, trainees and researchers throughout Australia and New Zealand, and provides a template for the standardisation of training in advanced endoscopic surgery. The introduction of this program pre-empts the activities of other international societies, such as the American Association of Gynecological Laparosocpists (AAGL) and the European Society of Endoscopists (ESGE) process. As such, AGES is proud to be at the forefront of training in advanced endoscopic training from a global perspective.

Education Committee:
Dr Bassem Gerges

Dr Dean Conrad
Dr Amy Feng
Dr Albert Jung
Dr Shamitha Kathurusinghe
Dr Martin Ritossa

Immediate Past Chair
Dr Stuart Salfinger

The AGES Fellowship Program

AGES has introduced the program to facilitate endoscopic training in Australia and New Zealand. This program, conducted over two years, will assure consistency in trainee education, access to resources and remuneration. Individual training sites have been (and will be) approved by the AGES Education subcommittee, based on standardised criteria.

The responsibility of training will continue to rest with individual units and not AGES.

Why is the AGES Training Program Necessary?

AGES recognise the need for a standardised training program to facilitate endoscopic training in Australia and New Zealand. This will assure consistency in trainee education, access to resources and remuneration. Prospective trainees applying to a unit can be assured that their training will meet a minimum standard, that they will have access to appropriate facilities and that they will receive fair and equitable remuneration.

AGES will facilitate application to the training program by a central process to be advertised prior to the AGES Annual Scientific Meeting each year.

Interviews will take place during the March ASM and applicants must be registered delegates. Positions will be open to local and international graduates in a competitive application process.

AGES is not responsible for individual trainee appointments and training sites will appoint trainees directly subject to local jurisdiction.

Not a Subspecialty – Just Fair, Equitable & Standardised Training

AGES does not support the formation of a de-facto subspecialty. The AGES Fellowship training program merely formalises the existing training that occurs under the auspices of various dedicated individuals throughout Australia and New Zealand. There will be no degree awarded at the completion of the program.