AGES Pelvic Floor
Symposium 2018

More Than Gynaecology

Sofitel, Brisbane

3rd - 4th August 2018

Photo Gallery

Images from AGES PFS 2018


The AGES Pelvic Floor was a complete success!

The two day program under the title ‘More than Gynaecology – The Pelvic Floor MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team)’, focused on the importance of the specialist gynaecologist surgeon, and their role in the front-line management of pelvic floor problems – a founding pillar of your training and knowledge.

Of course, we must thank our International Faculty who joined us for the meeting – Dr G Willy Davila, Prof. Don Wilson, Prof Lorimer Moseley, Prof Mark Coleman and Dr Tom Cecil, who travelled far and wide to join us in Brisbane.

And last but not least, a final thank you to our Organising Committee, faculty, sponsors, and of course the delegates who made the trip to Brisbane to join us at theSofitel Brisbane. We look forward to seeing you all again at future AGES events.

CPD Points

This meeting was a RANZCOG Approved O&G Meeting. Eligible Fellows of this college can claim 15.5 points for full attendance.

If the meeting is used for critical reflection and practice improvement, PR&CRM Points can be claimed by submitting a reflection worksheet to RANZCOG. Visit the RANZCOG Website for forms.

All attendance certificates have been emailed. To download another copy, simply log-in to your ‘Currinda’ profile.