AGES Focus Meeting 2023

Integration Through Innovation

Millennium Hotel Queenstown

10th & 11th August 2022

Photo Gallery

Images from AGES Focus Meeting 2022


The AGES Focus Meeting was held in Queenstown, New Zealand.  Overseas travel was a distant memory for many people, but with the opening of the NZ borders, our Australian members had the opportunity to travel abroad, spread our wings and be educated.

The theme, ‘Integration through Innovation’, allowed us to curate a program with wide appeal to our membership; the local organising committee believe there is something for everyone in there. We took you on a journey through the future of women’s health with a plenary session involving leaders in this field and further covered topics including surgical innovation through technology, midlife management, evidence-based pregnancy care, and the oncology biology.  We will had a session from the STAG simulation team, where players will pitch against each other to win a coveted title. We closed the conference with a session of a series of puzzling cases and tales of the unexpected.

CPD Points

This meeting was a RANZCOG Approved O&G Meeting. Eligible Fellows of this college can claim 13.5 CPD Hours for full attendance.

If the meeting is used for critical reflection and practice improvement, PR&CRM Points can be claimed by submitting a reflection worksheet to RANZCOG. Visit the RANZCOG Website for forms.

All attendance certificates will be emailed. To download another copy, simply log-in to your ‘Currinda’ profile.

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