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AGES Board 2021 - 2023

Dr Stuart Salfinger
Dr Stuart Salfinger is a Gynaecologic Oncologist who graduated in medicine from University of Western Australia in 1995. He completed Obstetrics and Gynaecology training in Perth and completed a fellowship in advanced laparoscopic surgery at Monash in Melbourne then subspecialty training in Gynaecologic Oncology working at The Royal Women’s Hospital and The Mercy Hospital in Melbourne, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Mater Hospital in Brisbane. He has a consultant public health service appointment with the WA Gynaecologic Cancer Service since 2008. His private practice is based at St John of God Hospital, Subiaco where it has been since 2008.
Stuart’s particular clinical interest is in Gynaecologic Cancer Surgery and complex laparoscopic surgery. He specialises in this area with a particular emphasis in the laparoscopic management of gynaecologic cancers. He is also interested in surgical teaching and training and is currently working on a Masters in Surgical Education.
Stuart is the Immediate Past President of the Australasian Gynaecologic and Endoscopy & Surgery Society. He is a WA Branch Councillor of the Australian Medical Association and has teaching appointments as a Clinical Senior Lecturer with the School of Women’s and Infants’ Health, University of Western Australia, and as Senior Lecturer and Clinical Mentor with The University of Notre Dame, Western Australia. Dr Salfinger is on the National Medical Research and Advisory Group of Ovarian Cancer Australia. He is the Obstetrics and Gynaecology representative on the WA Anaesthetic and Surgical Mortality.