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AGES Board 2025 - 2027


Dr Michael Wynn-Williams


Dr Michael Wynn-Williams is a Specialist Gynaecologist who was elected to the AGES Board in 2017. He is currently the New Zealand representative on the board, after moving to Auckland from Brisbane, Australia in 2020.

After training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Christchurch, New Zealand, Michael moved to Sydney in 2000 to complete two years of fellowship in advanced laparoscopic surgery at CARE and SWEC. He then spent a further three years completing fellowships in Glasgow and Cambridge in the UK. In 2006 Michael settled in Brisbane, where he led laparoscopic gynaecology surgery at the Mater Mothers’ Hospital, providing tertiary referral care to women from around Queensland, northern NSW, and the Northern Territory. In 2007 he co-founded - with A/Prof Anusch Yazdani - and then chaired, Eve Health, Australia’s largest O&G group private practice.

In association with the Mater and Eve Health, Michael trained many fellows in advanced laparoscopic gynaecology surgery under the Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery Society (AGES) as part of their two-year training program. In 2017, he helped initiate Queensland’s only dedicated public Persistent Pelvic Pain Clinic at the Mater Hospital.

Following his passion in teaching, he developed and continues to chair the AGES Laparoscopic Anatomy Pelvic Dissection (LapD) program that is run through the Medical Engineering Research Facility (MERF) at Queensland University of Technology. He also established the AGES Train the Trainer (AGESTT) program that helps Specialist surgical trainers teach their registrars and fellows how to perform surgery by using appropriate communications techniques.

Michael is regularly invited to demonstrate live surgical and anatomy workshops and meetings in Australia and New Zealand. He also travels to Mongolia and teaches gynaecology surgery as part of the Mongolian Australian Medical Affiliation (MAMA) group.

After nineteen years overseas, Michael has returned to New Zealand to take up a position at Auckland District Health Board as lead laparoscopic gynaecologist - to continue sharing his knowledge and skills with the next generation of women’s health specialists, and can be found at