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AGES Board 2023 - 2025

Dr Bassem Gerges
Dr Bassem Gerges graduated in medicine with Honours at The University of Sydney. His undergraduate training was undertaken at Westmead Public Hospital, before commencing specialist training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. To complement his specialist training, Bas has also completed an additional fellowship in Gynaecological and Endometriosis Ultrasound and a two-year AGES accredited fellowship in Advanced Gynaecological Surgery with the Sydney West Advanced Pelvic Surgery (SWAPS) group.
During his fellowship, Bas also obtained a Masters of Surgery in Advanced Gynaecological Surgery, with Distinction, whilst also receiving the Dean’s Medal. Bas served as Trainee Director and Ordinary Director on the AGES Board prior to his current role. He is an Honorary Associate Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sydney and Conjoint Lecturer at Western Sydney University and is actively involved in research in the fields of endometriosis and ultrasound, and is currently undertaking a PhD.