Get to Know Us

AGES Board 2025 - 2027

Akshara Shyamsunder 700 x 700

Dr Akshara Shyamsunder

Trainee Representative

Akshara Shyamsunder is a second year AGES trainee at The Royal Hospital for Women. A recipient of the AGES Research Grant 2025 and a reviewer for the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynaecology, Akshara is passionate about clinical research and is actively involved in the surgical teaching and mentorship of registrars, residents and conducts weekly tutorials for the UNSW medical students.

Akshara has a passion for international collaborations, evidenced by her attendance at AAGL 2023 and 2024 where she was presented research as part of the Gynaecological Research and Clinical Evaluation Unit led by Professor Jason Abbott.

Having worked closely with medical device companies to arrange laparoscopic simulation sessions, VNOTES teaching and manual morcellation techniques, this equips her with the skills to organise the upcoming AGES trainee days. Having successfully completed her AGES examination, Akshara’s vision as a prospective trainee member director is to work closely with the board to develop an up-to-date resource with clinical articles and videos for trainees to use in adjunct to the formalised curriculum, resembling the current AAGL FMIGS curriculum.

Additionally, Akshara envisions developing a pre-vocational RANZCOG resource for trainees interested in minimally invasive gynaecology to inspire the next generation of minimally invasive surgeons.