Get to Know Us

AGES Board 2025 - 2027


A/Prof Emma Readman


Emma Readman graduated from Medicine at the University of Melbourne with honours, and trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Mercy Hospital from Women, completing her 2-year fellowship in advanced laparoscopic surgery in 2002. She is Director of Endosurgery, Head of Endosurgery B Unit, and runs the Outpatient Hysteroscopy service for The Mercy Hospital for Women. She is an honourary lecturer at Melbourne University, teaching and examining medical students. She is a board member of the Australian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society (AGES), and is director of training for AGES fellows at Mercy Hospital for Women.  She also lectures for Family Planning Victoria in their Family Planning Certificate Course. She has been an adviser for the Victorian Government on access to surgical services, and outpatient assessment criteria. She is currently on the RANZCOG advisory committee for endometriosis, and involved in The National Endometriosis Clinical and Scientific Trials (NECST) Network.

Emma has been involved in visiting Mongolia for the last 12years by invitation of the Mongolian Society for Gynaecological laparoscopy, and has been involved in teaching and operating there. She actively participates in research, is currently involved in a long standing MRFF grant for endometriosis research, and is widely published in the fields of endoscopy and outpatient hysteroscopy. She completed a sabbatical in 2014 in France studying various aspects of endometriosis, laparoscopic surgery, and outpatient hysteroscopic surgery. Emma is passionate about women’s health, especially pelvic pain, endometriosis, and abnormal bleeding.