August 2023 Edition

President's Blog
Dr Rachel Green       3rd Edition. August 2023

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the President's Blog.

I would like to thank the members who returned our recent membership survey.  We welcomed your feedback to help shape the next few years in the society.  Your views are essential for us to run a successful membership society.  Although the survey has now closed, I still welcome your feedback.  We were especially interested to hear your opinions regarding our meetings for the future.

The Focus Meeting in Bangkok was a great opportunity to connect with our American colleagues.  I would like to extend my thanks to those of you who attended.  It was a fun and intimate meeting with great learning opportunities.  We were also joined by some members from TSGE (Thai Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy) who gave us some local insights.  International engagement is important to our board, and we will continue to foster good relationships with our sister societies.

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AAGL will be hosting their annual congress in Nashville from the 5th - 9th November.  I will be travelling to Tennessee to attend the congress.  This is a great opportunity to network with our international colleagues and continue our life long learning.  AGES will be hosting an informal drinks reception at the meeting.  If there are AGES members attending AAGL, please notify the Secretariat and we can send you details of the reception closer to the time.

We held our Laparoscopic Anatomy and Pelvic Dissection and Demonstration Workshops this month.  Dr Michael Wynn-Williams held workshops on the 12th,13th and 19th August.  One of these was the Advanced Lap-Dissection Workshop, open to those who have previously attended a dissection workshop.  This event allows advanced pelvic surgeons a greater understanding of complex pelvic anatomy.  This year, we also held a virtual Lap-Dissection Demonstration Workshop.  This was aimed at all RANZCOG trainees and specialists.  This workshop enabled participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge of what lies beneath the pelvic and abdominal peritoneum from the comfort of their own couches.  We hope to run this workshop regularly to allow members access to this educational opportunity without the need for travel.  There will be workshops running in person again later this year, and dates are currently being finalised for 2024.  If you wish to attend one of these highly popular events, then ensure you register early to avoid missing out.


The last AGES meeting for this year will be “Striving to Thrive: Beyond the Pelvis Symposium”.  This event will be held in Melbourne on the 20th and 21st of October.  This is a great opportunity to visit Melbourne in the spring.  The program is incredible, featuring many new speakers from AGES.  I am especially excited to hear from Dr. Alex Capano in person.  Alex is a Cannabinoid specialist.  This is an ever-growing area for pain management and an area I, amongst others, know little about.  Alex will help to demystify this treatment.  We also have a session dedicated to recharge.  This is also an area well needed for those of us who burn the candle at both ends (possibly me!!).

Some very exciting news for the ASM 2024 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.  WE WILL HAVE CHILDCARE!!!!!  We have managed to secure a room at the venue and will be hiring a childcare company.  I really hope this will be useful to those of you with young families who find it difficult to attend conferences.  We will need numbers in advance and will open conference registrations in November.  Of course, as well as CHILDCARE we will have a fantastic line up of speakers and a great opportunity to network with colleagues.  We will also open abstract submissions in October and the AGES Secretariat team will notify you by email.

This blog also contains a partner article from our Professional Development Alliance Partner Avant.  I hope you enjoy reading it.

Dr Rachel Green
President, AGES

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